This Lockheed P-38J-15-LO Lightning, (coded KI-O, serial number 43-28301) nicknamed “Mama’s Boy”, was the aircraft of Edwin E. Wasil. Captain Wasil was a flight leader of the 55th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group.

The 20th Fighter Group arrived in Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire, in the fall of 1943 which was their base for the remainder of the war. The Group flew 312 missions before their last mission on April 25th,1945. The pilots of the 20th escorted B-17’s and B-24’s, strafed ground targets as well as engaging enemy aircraft. The success with which the Group hit locomotive targets earned them the nickname of the “Loco Busters”. Notably, the group provided air cover during the Normandy invasion on June 5-11, 1944.
Captain Wasil had 271 combat hours which were flown in his P-38J, nicknamed “Mama’s Boy” and in July of 1944, he switched to a P-51C Mustang (coded KI-O, serial number 43-25031), nicknamed “Mama’s Boy II”. He was credited with two strafing kills against German Dornier Do 18’s which were a single engine flying boat.